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The Donkey Shop - Donkey Products - Donkey Rides Melbourne

In recent years people have been discovering and re-discovering the charm of donkeys.

Donkeys have long been ridiculed and have been the butt of endless ass jokes, and yet all the while they have worked tirelessly as the backbone of strength and labour for many communities world wide. These days even carrying solar panels so that nomadic communities can be in touch with modern technology while still living their traditional nomadic life.

In the recent earthquakes in Nepal donkeys were used to access difficult areas blocked by rubble to find and rescue people in very difficult conditions. Donkeys have long played a role in war torn countries. Everyone knows the story of Simpson and his donkey, but there were many more donkeys serving at the time. Some figures show that 34,000 donkeys served in the Great War alone. Donkeys were routinely loaded with three times there own body weight to head out on treacherous journeys while gun fire continued around them. These journeys saved many human lives. Many soldiers developed strong bonds with their donkeys, and when I have walked our donkey, Banjo, in the ANZAC parade, I have seen that bond as they reach out and touch him after the service. In recent times donkeys have still been doing valuable service in war torn countries such as Gaza and Afganistan.

Donkey Farm in The Yarra Ranges

About The Donkey Shop
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The Donkey Shop
With all this service and more, it does make one wonder why they are still so frequently ridiculed. One thing I have found is that once people really meet and get to know a donkey, this is quickly replaced with deep love and affection. Donkeys are charming and adorable, and make wonderful pets, for cuddles, walking, carriage driving and riding (depending on size).

These days there are many types and sizes of donkey available, to suit numerous different roles in the family. There is now a great resurgence in donkey popularity as people discover what they are really like. With this new popularity, many people are buying donkeys who have never had one before, and they need to learn all there is to know about donkeys to enable them to take great care of their new friend. Even those of us who have had donkeys for years, still have much to learn about them.

I have found that while people know such a lot about horses, and that there is every trinket, gadget and potion available to help you give them greatest care, there is very little available to help donkey owners with their donkeys. We usually seem to buy horse products and make them fit, try horse remedies and see if they work. Through trial and error people are discovering the differences in donkey care, and with sharing this knowledge, we all improve in being able to care for our loving donkeys. Many mistakes have been made in the past, and in the future we will most definitely improve on the care we are giving donkeys now.

In an effort to improve this care and access to knowledge, we have set up The Donkey Shop. This will grow to be a one stop donkey shop for all of your donkey health care needs, a broad variety of books, rugs and tack made to fit the donkey shape. Herbs and vitamins made to improve donkey health. We will continue to try to source this information and products from all over the world to help open the accessibility to broaden donkey knowledge and improve donkey care.

We will also aim to stock a fun range of donkey items, to fill your home, garden, office and hearts with donkey charm throughout the day.

In the beginning, please bare with us, as our range will be small, but every month we will grow to broaden our stock. If there is something that you would particularly like us to stock then please contact us to let us know. Meanwhile, enjoy and cuddle your donkey. :-)

We can send any shop products internationally, please contact us by email to have the freight calculated to your location