Donkey Show Results - YRDF
This event was proudly sponsored by the Yarra Junction and Warburton Branches of the Community Bank - Bendigo Bank
Best Jenny 100% AMMD Under 36"
1st Grawood Fantasy Hazel Knight
Best Gelding 100% AMMD Under 36"
No Entries
Best Jenny Part Bred Mini Under 36"
1st Western Downs Gunsmoke Kim Dalton
2nd Whispering Hollow Cocoa Annabelle Harkin
3rd Iron Brook Sable Linda Jay
Best Gelding Part Bred Mini Under 36"
1st Joy's Marco Polo Hazel Knight
2nd Whispering Hollow Pierre Christine Harkin
Best Jenny Irish Donkey
1st Western Downs Cowgirl Kim Dalton
Best Gelding Irish Donkey
1st Paddy Natalie Colman
Best Jenny Australian
1st Francesca Bert Sanders
1st Winter Kelly Gilmore
Best Gelding Australian
1st Harry Shirley Leske
2nd Jaffa Leanne Davey
3rd Yurrah Frosty Fiona Mottram
4th Keysoe Tambo Fiona Mottram
Best Jenny Between 36" & 54"
1st Western Downs Cowgirl Kim Dalton
2nd Winter Kelly Gilmore
3rd Francesca Bert Sanders Best Gelding Between 36" to 54"
1st Skye Park Jaffa Leanne Davey
2nd Yurrah Frosty Fiona Mottram
3rd Tambo Fiona Mottram
4th Edward Ruth Sanders
Best Spotted Any Size or Breed
1st Iron Brook Piccolo Linda Jay
2nd Western Downs Gunsmoke Kim Dalton
3rd Paddy Natalie Colman
Best Foal Under 6 Months
1st Iron Brook Piccolo Linda Jay
1st Lil Bi Ears Lola Linda Jay
Champion Jenny
1st Grawood Fantasy Hazel Knight
Champion Gelding
1st Skye Park Jaffa Leanne Davey
Best Mule/Hinny/Hybrid
1st Yurrah Possum Fiona Mottram
2nd Western Downs Arizona Kim Dalton
3rd Yurrah UpsaDaisy Fiona Mottram
Led Obstacle
1st Yurrah Possum Fiona Mottram
2nd Yurrah UpsaDaisy Fiona Mottram
3rd Yurrah Frosty Fiona Mottram
4th Keysoe Tambo Fiona Mottram
Long Reining
1st Winter Kelly Gilmore
2nd Skye Park Jaffa Leanne Davey
3rd Yurrah UpsaDaisy Fiona Mottram
4th Yurrah Frosty Fiona Mottram
Ridden Obstacle
1st Wendanjo Susannah Kitty Byrnes
2nd Skye Park Jaffa Leanne Davey
Encouragement Awards
each given a $50 Voucher from the Farm Store
Natalie Colman (for her donkey Paddy)
Shirley Leske (for her donkey Harry)
Mary Salem (for Sampson and Big Ears)
Linda Jay (for Iron Brook Piccolo)
Kelly and Michelle Gilmore (for Winter )
Young Handlers Encouragement Award
- given a free horsemanship lesson with Wrangler Jayne
Whispering Hollow Cocoa Mackenzie & Annabel Harkin
Champion Performance Donkey
- given a first aid kit from Yarra Ranges Vet Clinic
1st Winter Kelly Gilmore
Fancy Dress
1st Western Downs Cowgirl Kim Dalton
2nd Grawood ZeeBee & Hazel Knight
Joy's Marco Polo
3rd Yurrah Frosty Fiona Mottram
4th Skye Park Jaffa Leanne Davey
4th Harry Shirley Leske