Yarra Ranges Donkey Festival
The Yarra Ranges Donkey Festival was such a grand success. It was quite overwhelming, but also wonderful. I am still, a year on, being asked every day about when I am doing it again. Everyone who attended, or who was a part of it, is asking me to do it again.
The Yarra Ranges Donkey Festival was organised by Iron Brook Farm to raise funds for the Donkey Sociesty of Victoria and the Upper Yarra SES, but primarily it was to raise the awareness and education about donkeys, who they really are, what they can do, and what they need. In every aspect the event was successful in these aims, and I thank every person who was supportive of the event, and especially the media who were so happy to get the story out and let people know about it, as this wasintegral to the event's success. As I put the event together on my own, it really was a massive job, and I let a lot of other things go inn order to make it happen.
This year I am still catching up on those things that I let go last year. Therefore, there wont be a Donkey Festival 2016, however, this doesn't mean that it will never happen, just that I can't do it now in the same capacity. When there is more space on myplate, I am sure that I will be enticed to do something like this again, and when I do, it will be well promoted, and announced on this web site.
In the meanwhile, I have attached numerous photographs of the day for your enjoyment, these were taken by Val Rees of Val's Visions Photography.
I have also attached a copy of the article which I wrote straight after the event, and I have attached a copy of the show results as determined on the day by judge, Clare Davis.